Who Can Join the AAVSO?
Supernova 1987a in the Large Magellanic
Cloud is surrounded by an unusual
ring structure and glowing gas.
Hubble Heritage Team
Anyone over the age of 16 who is interested in variable stars and in contributing to the support of valuable research may become a member of the AAVSO.
Members of the AAVSO include professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, researchers, educators, students, and those who love variable star astronomy. We currently have over 1000 members in over 45 countries.
Why become a member?
Membership in the AAVSO is unique in that the variable star observations you make and report to AAVSO Headquarters are computerized, processed, published, and made available to the astronomical community for use in variable star research. You, through your simultaneous optical monitoring of variable stars, participate actively in ground-based observations. The vital services you provide are very much appreciated by the astronomical community and are acknowledged in major astronomical publications.
Immediately after you join the AAVSO, you will receive a new member packet, which provides you with all the information that you need to establish your own variable star observing program. The AAVSO individualizes attention to new members by focusing on what type of telescope or binoculars, if any, you will use, which stars you are able to observe from your location, and which type of variable stars hold your interest. We hope that your observing experiences are successful and rewarding. By continuing to submit observations to the AAVSO, members constitute the most important element of success in the organization and to the astronomical community.
Upon joining the AAVSO, members are automatic subscribers to the Journal of the AAVSO, the AAVSO Newsletter, the AAVSO Bulletin, and may choose from a large number of other publications available free of charge to members. In addition, members receive notices of the two yearly meetings of the AAVSO, which they are encouraged to attend.
For a limited time special offer, new members may purchase our Hands-On-Astrophysics Manual, a flexible set of hands-on educational materials, activities, and investigations, based on the AAVSO's unique electronic database of variable star measurements, for only $150.00. (regular price is $200.00)
All AAVSO members automatically receive the following publications:
- Journal of the AAVSO:The Journal contains papers relevant to variable star research; reports of the AAVSO Committees, Director, and Treasurer; table of AAVSO observersÆ totals; Minutes of AAVSO Meetings by the Secretary, book reviews; letters to the Editor. Published twice a year.
- The AAVSO Newsletter: The AAVSO newsletter is issued by Headquarters, shares news, information, and observing hints between Headquarters and the membership. Published twice a year.
- The AAVSO Bulletin:The AAVSO bulletin contains predictions of maxima and minima of long period variable stars to assist in planning an observing program. Published once a year.
Benefits Available to Members Upon Request
- AAVSO Photoelectric Photometry Newsletter: The PEP newsletter, issued by the PEP committee, contains brief reports on the behavior of small-amplitude variables, requests for photoelectric observations on some stars, and helpful information on photoelectric photometry hardware and software.
- AAVSO RR Lyrae Bulletin and Eclipsing Binary Bulletin: These bulletins, issued by the RR Lyrae and Eclipsing Binary committees, inform observers of unusual activity of stars in these programs and list stars that need special observing.
- AAVSO RR Lyrae Variable Star Ephemeris: The RR Lyrae ephemeris, issued by the RR Lyrae Committee, contains dates and times of maxima of program stars.
- AAVSO Eclipsing Binary Ephemeris: The EB ephemeris, issued by the Eclipsing Binary Committee, contains dates and times of minima of program stars.
- NewStar, AAVSO Nova Search Newsletter: The Nova Search Newsletter, issued by the Nova Search Committee, contains news on the discovery of novae and other helpful information on Nova searching.
Benefits Available to AAVSO Members Upon Subscription
- AAVSO Circular: The Circular, prepared by members John Bortle and Charles Scovil, contains monthly preliminary observations of eruptive and other interesting variables submitted to this publication. It includes a list compiled by the Director of stars needing observation. At a rate of 12 issues/year this is a bargain for only $10.00 USA, $14.00 elsewhere, airmail.
- AAVSO Monograph Series: The Monograph Series contains long-term (20 years or more) computer-generated light curves of AAVSO observations contributed by members/observers, one star prepared per Monograph. Issued as completed. $5.00 USA; $7.50 elsewhere, airmail.
- AAVSO Alert Notice: The Alert Notice provides immediate information on the discovery of novae and extra-galactic supernovae, the unusual activity of variable star in the AAVSO observing program, and requests from astronomers for AAVSO observers to participate in monitoring specific variables. Issued as needed. $7.50 per year for postage and handling.
- AAVSO Solar Bulletin: The Solar Bulletin, issued by the Solar Division, provides monthly information on sunspot activity and solar flares, as supplied by aAVSO solar observers. 12 issues/year. Sent to active solar observers free of charge. $20.00 USA; $24.00 elsewhere, airmail.
Membership Dues
We are currently offering a Special Introductory Rate for Annual and Junior membership. These prices are offered for your first three years of membership only, after which the price will return to regular membership dues.
Special Introductory Rate:
- $25.00 for Annual members aged 21 and over
- $15.00 for Junior members aged 16 to 20 (individuals under the age of
16 are not eligible to become members although their observations are
- $100.00 for Sustaining members. ("sustaining" members are members
whose annual contributions actually sustain the Association)
Regular Dues are:
- $50.00 for Annual members aged 21 and over
- $25.00 for Junior members aged 16 to 20 (individuals under the age of
16 are not eligible to become members although their observations are
- $100.00 for Sustaining members. ("sustaining" members are members
whose annual contributions actually sustain the Association)
Please note: There is also a one-time $1.00 application fee for US, and $2.50 for overseas.